First, you have to Log in, and then you can choose a listing in the town/s you want to advertise in. You will click on what package you would like to be in. We offer free, full and featured directory listings. When you choose you will be able to add in your information on your own. If you need assistance click here.
Yes, you can list your business in more than one town. We recommend that you list in your own town and in the home page which covers all of Westchester County. You can advertise in more than your own town.
If you are interested in being the only realtor or realty company to sponsor a town website please contact us to find out more about what it entails If you are a bank and would like to sponsor a town please contact us.
Yes, you can create your own ad by the specs given when you sign up and purchase your space. Then you simply send it to us here. If you need us to create it for you please reach out and will work with for a nominal fee.
Listings are basically directories on our websites that offer enhanced options. It is like having mini websites on our sites, “satellite stores.” You are able to add photos, description, contact information, social links, web links, coupons and more. Your customers can even review you. With your own login you can change your information as much as you want. Your exposure on Google increases under us. *Note: Free listings only allow basic information without links. A Banner Ad is just the advertisement you create and it can either link to your listing or to your website. You can purchase both.
Yes, anyone can add an event. First, you log in so we know that you are not a bot. Click here to learn how to add your event to one of our calendars.
Yes, when you open the calendar you click on the filter and choose the categories you would like to see.
Click here to sign up with your email and we will send you the weekly email for the town you choose.
Click on the Home button and the towns currently open will show up. is the Home website that covers Westchester County.
We are all about bringing businesses and the people in their community together all while highlighting what makes their hometown special.
If you are a realtor or bank and are interested in sponsoring one of our websites contact us.
If you are passionate about your community and would you like to build a local, profitable business. Find out more at our Website – today!