Contact Kathleen Tafur to take a free personal nutrition assessment and she will lead you in the right direction towards the health and wellness that you’ve always wanted and needed.
Kathy Tafur has a wonderful following of folks looking to be healthy and live their best life!
There’s no obligation to buy if you take her health survey, although I do know from personal experience that the Shaklee products I’ve tried (vitamins and shakes) from Kathy work great.
Kathy says that her goal is to have as many people be healthy from her products as possible.
She began her health business with Shaklee when she retired as a special education teacher in 2011. She was in search of healthy natural products for prevention and for certain health concerns. Since she has started taking the Shaklee products, her health issues have subsided and improved, and she’s thus felt committed to share with and help others to achieve the same health results. In particular Kathy had had digestive issues and she found Shaklee products that helped with that. And since she began taking the Shaklee products, she did not have to take medication for her digestive issues.
Kathy Tafur says that the great thing about her products is that “They are in harmony with nature, they scrutinize the ingredients, they test the ingredients, and they scrutinize the resources. So, everything comes from the earth and from natural ways of making things. And the vitamins are high quality and have no artificial ingredients. They have everything from multi-vitamins to probiotics…they have just about any kind of vitamin or supplement, and they also have personal skin care that is chemical free and non-toxic. They also have sports nutrition to help people with hydration and energy. And then they have green cleaning nontoxic products for the home that are not only healthy and effective, but they save you money.”
Kathy’s husband Ed is a great support to her in her health endeavors, and he uses the Shaklee products himself and is able to stay very active and play sports.
Kathy says that she is very committed to her own health and she’s learned so much from her network of people that are committed to being healthy and active. Her passion is to help families and people enjoy their life.
Kathy had a shoulder replacement surgery earlier this year and she only needed medicine for three days. She believes that the Shaklee products have cut down on her pain and kept her mobile.
“It’s really not like work for me”, says Kathy when I ask her what she foresees for the future of her health business. “It’s more like, you know, connecting with people and finding out what’s going on with them and then offering them something they may be interested in. And I enjoy it whether they want to buy or not. I will probably keep doing this for at least another decade, welcoming people into the business, especially because of the concerns for health today, and I would welcome working with them on my team.”
Kathy Tafur’s passion for helping others in their health comes through in all that she does. Look at her listing on and sign up to take her free personalized health consultation today!
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